2025 Annual Assessment
The deadline to pay HOA dues is January 31, 2025.
A $20 late fee will been added on Feb. 1st.
To pay by check, make payable and mail to:
P.O. Box 426
Olathe, KS 66051-0426
For your convenience, you may use the button below to pay online with a Credit or Debit Card via PayPal for an additional processing fee of $15*.
Landlords: Once on the PayPal site, please ensure your "Ship to" address matches your local address in the neighborhood to accurately assign dues to the right homeowner.
By scanning this QR Code with your phone, you can pay your dues via the PayPal Mobile App and get a lower transaction fee of only $10. Once in the PayPal app, you'll have the option to "add a note" to your purchase: Enter your address there to be sure credit is attributed to the correct homeowner without delay.
After Feb 1st, a late fee of $20 will be assessed and swimming pool access will be restricted. Ultimately, a lien may be placed on your property for non payment. If a lien is filed, an additional "lien removal fee" of $200 will be assessed and must be paid on top of the dues and late fee to be up to date and restore pool access.
* PayPal raised their processing fee to 3.49% (+0.49) in October 2022!